format number in C#

Possible Duplicate:
.NET String.Format() to add commas in thousands place for a number

How to format a number 1234567 into 1,234,567 in C#?

For format options for Int32.ToString(), see here or here.

For example:

string s = myIntValue.ToString("#,##0");

The same format options can be use in a String.Format, as in

string s = String.Format("the number {0:#,##0}!", myIntValue);

var decimalValue = 1234567m; 
var value =  String.Format("{0:N}", decimalValue); // 1,234,567.00


var value =  String.Format("{0:N0}", decimalValue); // 1,234,567

Using your current locale's thousands separator:

int n = 1234567 ;

Or, use the overload to ToString, which takes the culture as a parameter.


上一篇: 在c#中的9位数字中的每个3位数后放置一个逗号?

下一篇: 格式编号在C#中