Incrementing build number with Hudson build
Here is what I am trying to achieve. I currently use Hudson build to do builds for me on a remote computer. I currently have to open my solution and manually update the [assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] numbers in two files and then commit my changes to SVN before running the build through Hudson. (the hudson job is not set to run unless you clcik build now)
I would like to find a way to automatically increment only the last number every time Hudson does a build.
I would like it to increment by 1 (not timestamped or similar).
Any ideas or links to other material that may help would be appreciated =)
function assign-build-number
#get the build number form Jenkins env var
if(!(Test-Path env:BUILD_NUMBER))
#set the line pattern for matching
$linePattern = 'AssemblyFileVersion'
#get all assemlby info files
$assemblyInfos = gci -path $env:ENLISTROOT -include AssemblyInfo.cs -Recurse
#foreach one, read it, find the line, replace the value and write out to temp
$assemblyInfos | foreach-object -process {
$file = $_
write-host -ForegroundColor Green "- Updating build number in $file"
if(test-path "$file.tmp" -PathType Leaf)
remove-item "$file.tmp"
get-content $file | foreach-object -process {
$line = $_
if($line -match $linePattern)
#replace the last digit in the file version to match this build number.
$line = $line -replace 'd"', "$env:BUILD_NUMBER`""
$line | add-content "$file.tmp"
#replace the old file with the new one
remove-item $file
rename-item "$file.tmp" $file -Force -Confirm:$false
Since I only got answers that did not take into account my requirements of using Hudson I thought I would post a link to a good solution.
Take a look at the answer by "nos" here - How can I auto increment the C# assembly version via our CI platform (Hudson)?
It's not the accepted answer but it should be as it works perfectly.
链接地址:上一篇: 修正了自动递增文件版本的组装版本?
下一篇: 用哈德森版本增加版本号