Get URL array variables in javascript/jquery

I've got a bunch of parameters being passed to a page by URL variables. The URL looks sort of like:


Using the jQuery getUrlParam extension I can get url variables very easily, but rather than returning category as an array (which is what I want) it gets returned as null.

Is there a way for me to read these into a javascript array?

不应该是: file.aspx?category=1&category=7&category=3

I previously pointed to this question: Get QueryString values with jQuery - but as @Crescent Fresh pointed out, those examples don't deal with arrays in the query string (and besides, they're a bit slow I think.

So I cooked up my version of this function:

function getQueryString () {
    var ret = {};
    var parts = (document.location.toString().split('?')[1]).split('&');
    for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {

        var p = parts[i].split('=');
        // so strings will be correctly parsed:
        p[1] = decodeURIComponent(p[1].replace(/+/g, " "));

        if (p[0].search(/[]/) >= 0) { // then it's an array
            p[0] = p[0].replace('[]','');

            if (typeof ret[p[0]] != 'object') ret[p[0]] = [];
        } else {
            ret[p[0]] = p[1];
    return ret;

But there are caveats. It will only work on a correctly formed query string - there's no error detection. Also, it does not work on numbered/indexed arrays.. that is when your array is defined in the query string as:


It would be trivial to add to the .search() query a regex for finding that as well, but I'm not the best regex expert... anybody got ideas?


上一篇: 更改相机视图

下一篇: 在javascript / jquery中获取URL数组变量