A simple program to CRUD node and node values of xml file

I decided to save setting in xml file since field takes only one value.

My XML file is like

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <setting1>setting1 value</setting1>
    <setting2>setting2 value</setting2> 
    <setting3>setting3 value</setting3> 

Can anyone suggest me a simple php script to read, edit, add, and delete node and node values?

If your XML is really that simple, you can use SimpleXML to CRUD it. SimpleXml will parse the XML into a tree structure of SimpleXmlElements. In a nutshell, you use it like this:

$config = new SimpleXmlElement('<settings/>');
$config->setting1 = 'setting1 value';         

$config = new SimpleXmlElement('config.xml');
echo $config->setting1;
echo $config->asXml();

$config->setting1 = 'new value';
$config->setting2 = 'setting2 value';
echo $config->asXml();

$config->setting2 = NULL;
echo $config->asXML();

Please refer to the PHP manual for further usage examples and the API description.

On a sidenote, if you really just have key/value pairs, you could also use a plain old PHP array to store them or a key/value store like DBA or even APC and memcached with a long ttl.

You can use the PHP XQuery extension to do the job:

let $data := <setting>
    <setting1>setting1 value</setting1>
    <setting2>setting2 value</setting2> 
    <setting3>setting3 value</setting3> 
return {
    (: Update :)
    replace value of node $data/setting1/text() with "Hello World";
    (: Delete :)
    delete node $data/setting2;
    (: Read :)

You can try the example above live at http://www.zorba-xquery.com/html/demo#BJ2a2bNxJc8JVZAl0qyjAelwN9s=

Instructions on how to install the XQuery PHP extension are available at http://www.zorba-xquery.com/html/entry/2011/12/27/PHP_Meets_XQuery

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/5072.html

上一篇: 样式</ in <script>标签

下一篇: 一个简单的程序来CRUD节点和xml文件的节点值