Allocating a user defined struct in shared memory with boost::interprocess

I am trying to use boost::interprocess to allocate a very simple data structure in shared memory but I cannot quite figure out how to use the boost interprocess allocators to perform the memory allocations/deallocations within the shared memory segment which I allocate as follows

using namespace boost::interprocess;
mSharedMemory = std::make_unique<managed_shared_memory>(
    open_or_create, "MySharedMem", 65536);

I previously asked a similar question but unfortunately I never got any answers. MyStruct below is essentially an array with a length field indicating the size of the array. For now I have a simple length field but I will add some other constructor arguments later (bool's and other simple types).

In order to allocate this in the shared memory segment, I know I have to do something with allocators but I cannot find a similar example where I have a user defined type containing an array/pointer field.

    using MyType = struct MyType {
        explicit MyType(const size_t aSize)
            : mSize(aSize)
            , mpData(new char[aSize])

        ~MyType() {
        size_t mSize;
        char * mpData;

    using MyTypeAllocator = boost::interprocess::allocator<MyType,

    // Initialize the shared memory STL-compatible allocator
    MyTypeAllocator alloc(mSharedMemory->get_segment_manager());

Just don't do manual allocation. If you want a contiguous allocation of aSize elements of type char , that's what C++ has std::vector for.

Best of all, std::vector already knows how to use another allocator, so there is really no reason not to use it:

template <typename Alloc>
struct MyType {
    explicit MyType(size_t aSize, Alloc alloc = {}) : mData(aSize, alloc) {}

    std::vector<char, Alloc> mData;

Now to play well with standard library construct/scoped allocators, you might want to define the allocator_type nested type:

    using allocator_type = Alloc; // typename Alloc::template rebind<char>::other;

That's all. Just use it as any standard library type that has an allocator:

int main() {
    using namespace Shared;

    auto memory = Segment(create_only, "MySharedMem", 65536);

    using A = Alloc<char>;
    A alloc(memory.get_segment_manager());

    auto* data = memory.find_or_construct<MyType<A>>("data")(1024, memory.get_segment_manager());

    return data? 0 : 255;

I created a few convenience typedefs in the Shared namespace, for maintainability. Here's the full sample

Full Sample

Live On Coliru ¹

#include <boost/interprocess/managed_shared_memory.hpp>
#include <vector>

template <typename Alloc>
struct MyType {
    using allocator_type = typename Alloc::template rebind<char>::other;

    explicit MyType(size_t aSize, Alloc alloc = {}) : mData(aSize, alloc) {}

    std::vector<char, Alloc> mData;

namespace Shared {
    namespace bip = boost::interprocess;

    using Segment = bip::managed_shared_memory;
    using Manager = Segment::segment_manager;
    template <typename T> 
        using Alloc = bip::allocator<T, Manager>;

    void remove(char const* name) { bip::shared_memory_object::remove(name); }

    using bip::create_only;

int main() {
    using namespace Shared;

    auto memory = Segment(create_only, "MySharedMem", 65536);

    using A = Alloc<char>;
    A alloc(memory.get_segment_manager());

    auto* data = memory.find_or_construct<MyType<A>>("data")(1024, memory.get_segment_manager());

    return data? 0 : 255;

¹ For Coliru uses managed mapped file because shared memory is not supported there


上一篇: 欧几里德距离如何用numpy来计算?

下一篇: 用boost :: interprocess在共享内存中分配用户定义的结构体