Using Interactive Toast Notifications with a old WPF Project
I have a working program which opens Dialog Boxes(WPF) for User input . Now i want to Refactor and use Toast Notifications. The Notifications need to have the ability of Buttons (Pressing yes or no). The new Win10 interactive Toast Notification seemd perfect. I got the official tutorial from Windows.
Displaying the Toasts works fine but.... The Programm is a in Visual Studio WPF App(.NET Framework) written in C#. It won't allow me to override methods in my App.xaml.cs i need like:
protected override void OnActivated(IActivatedEventArgs e)
protected override async void OnBackgroundActivated(BackgroundActivatedEventArgs args)
"There is no suitable Method for override" Simply because there is none ...i think?!
As soon as i tried with a new Project "Blank App univeral Windows" exept from "WPF App .NET Framework" overriting is no problem. Also new created WPF Apps won't let me override.
So my question. What can i do to still use interactive Toasts with my WPF Project? Or is there a alternative way of doing it?
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