Need help understanding Python closures
Possible Duplicate:
UnboundLocalError in Python
I have this code:
import re
def doReplace(toReplace):
i = 1
def chapterReplacer(_):
result = 'Chapter %i' % i
i += 1
return result
return re.sub('Chapter [a-zA-Z]+', chapterReplacer, test)
test = 'Chapter one Chapter Two Chapter three'
print doReplace(test)
when I run it, I get the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Python26/", line 13, in <module>
print doReplace(test)
File "C:/Python26/", line 10, in doReplace
return re.sub('Chapter [a-zA-Z]+', chapterReplacer, test)
File "", line 151, in sub
return _compile(pattern, 0).sub(repl, string, count)
File "C:/Python26/", line 6, in chapterReplacer
result = 'Chapter %i' % i
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'i' referenced before assignment
I was under the impression that chapterReplacer would capture the local variable i, but that doesn't seem to be happening?
You can make i
a function attribute
def doReplace(toReplace):
chapterReplacer.i = 1
def chapterReplacer(_):
result = 'Chapter %i' % chapterReplacer.i
chapterReplacer.i += 1
return result
return re.sub('Chapter [a-zA-Z]+', chapterReplacer, test)
EDIT: As of python 3, you can use nonlocal
a la @MartijnPieters 's solution.
Nope, and in python 2 you can't at all without resorting to using tricks with mutables:
def doReplace(toReplace):
i = [1]
def chapterReplacer(_):
result = 'Chapter %i' % i[0]
i[0] += 1
return result
return re.sub('Chapter [a-zA-Z]+', chapterReplacer, test)
Normally, python will only look in the surrounding scope for a variable if it is not being assigned to locally; as soon as the bytecompiler sees a direct assignment ( i = something
) and no global i
statement to persuade it otherwise, a variable is considered local.
But in the above code we never assign to i
in the chapterReplacer
function. Yes, we do change i[0]
but the value stored in i
itself, a list, does not change.
In python 3, just use the nonlocal
statement to have python look in it's closure for the variable:
def doReplace(toReplace):
i = 1
def chapterReplacer(_):
nonlocal i
result = 'Chapter %i' % i
i += 1
return result
return re.sub('Chapter [a-zA-Z]+', chapterReplacer, test)
上一篇: 我如何去模拟pass的等价物
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