Build a Basic Python Iterator


Iterator objects in python conform to the iterator protocol, which basically means they provide two methods: __iter__() and next() . The __iter__ returns the iterator object and is implicitly called at the start of loops. The next() method returns the next value and is implicitly called at each loop increment. next() raises a StopIteration exception when there are no more value to return, which is implicitly captured by looping constructs to stop iterating.

Here's a simple example of a counter:

class Counter:
    def __init__(self, low, high):
        self.current = low
        self.high = high

    def __iter__(self):
        return self

    def next(self): # Python 3: def __next__(self)
        if self.current > self.high:
            raise StopIteration
            self.current += 1
            return self.current - 1

for c in Counter(3, 8):
    print c

This will print:


This is easier to write using a generator, as covered in a previous answer:

def counter(low, high):
    current = low
    while current <= high:
        yield current
        current += 1

for c in counter(3, 8):
    print c

The printed output will be the same. Under the hood, the generator object supports the iterator protocol and does something roughly similar to the class Counter.

David Mertz's article, Iterators and Simple Generators, is a pretty good introduction.

There are four ways to build an iterative function:

  • create a generator (uses the yield keyword)
  • use a generator expression (genexp)
  • create an iterator (defines __iter__ and __next__ (or next in Python 2.x))
  • create a function that Python can iterate over on its own (defines __getitem__ )
  • Examples:

    # generator
    def uc_gen(text):
        for char in text:
            yield char.upper()
    # generator expression
    def uc_genexp(text):
        return (char.upper() for char in text)
    # iterator protocol
    class uc_iter():
        def __init__(self, text):
            self.text = text
            self.index = 0
        def __iter__(self):
            return self
        def __next__(self):
                result = self.text[self.index].upper()
            except IndexError:
                raise StopIteration
            self.index += 1
            return result
    # getitem method
    class uc_getitem():
        def __init__(self, text):
            self.text = text
        def __getitem__(self, index):
            result = self.text[index].upper()
            return result

    To see all four methods in action:

    for iterator in uc_gen, uc_genexp, uc_iter, uc_getitem:
        for ch in iterator('abcde'):
            print ch,

    Which results in:

    A B C D E
    A B C D E
    A B C D E
    A B C D E

    Note :

    The two generator types ( uc_gen and uc_genexp ) cannot be reversed() ; the plain iterator ( uc_iter ) would need the __reversed__ magic method (which must return a new iterator that goes backwards); and the getitem iteratable ( uc_getitem ) must have the __len__ magic method:

        # for uc_iter
        def __reversed__(self):
            return reversed(self.text)
        # for uc_getitem
        def __len__(self)
            return len(self.text)

    To answer Colonel Panic's secondary question about an infinite lazily evaluated iterator, here are those examples, using each of the four methods above:

    # generator
    def even_gen():
        result = 0
        while True:
            yield result
            result += 2
    # generator expression
    def even_genexp():
        return (num for num in even_gen())  # or even_iter or even_getitem
                                            # not much value under these circumstances
    # iterator protocol
    class even_iter():
        def __init__(self):
            self.value = 0
        def __iter__(self):
            return self
        def __next__(self):
            next_value = self.value
            self.value += 2
            return next_value
    # getitem method
    class even_getitem():
        def __getitem__(self, index):
            return index * 2
    import random
    for iterator in even_gen, even_genexp, even_iter, even_getitem:
        limit = random.randint(15, 30)
        count = 0
        for even in iterator():
            print even,
            count += 1
            if count >= limit:

    Which results in (at least for my sample run):

    0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54
    0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38
    0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
    0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32

    First of all the itertools module is incredibly useful for all sorts of cases in which an iterator would be useful, but here is all you need to create an iterator in python:


    Isn't that cool? Yield can be used to replace a normal return in a function. It returns the object just the same, but instead of destroying state and exiting, it saves state for when you want to execute the next iteration. Here is an example of it in action pulled directly from the itertools function list:

     def count(n=0):
         while True:
             yield n
             n += 1

    As stated in the functions description (it's the count() function from the itertools module...) , it produces an iterator that returns consecutive integers starting with n.

    Generator expressions are a whole other can of worms (awesome worms!). They may be used in place of a List Comprehension to save memory (list comprehensions create a list in memory that is destroyed after use if not assigned to a variable, but generator expressions can create a Generator Object... which is a fancy way of saying Iterator). Here is an example of a generator expression definition:

    gen = (n for n in xrange(0,11))

    This is very similar to our iterator definition above except the full range is predetermined to be between 0 and 10.

    I just found xrange() (suprised I hadn't seen it before...) and added it to the above example. xrange() is an iterable version of range() which has the advantage of not prebuilding the list. It would be very useful if you had a giant corpus of data to iterate over and only had so much memory to do it in.


    上一篇: 是否以Python 3.6+订购字典?

    下一篇: 构建一个基本的Python迭代器