Closures in Java 7

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  • Closure in Java 7 [closed] 7 answers

  • Have a look at .

    It seems like this is how it would look:

    boolean even = { int x => x % 2 == 0 }.invoke(15);

    where the { int x => x % 2 == 0 } bit is the closure.

    It really depends on what gets introduced, and indeed whether it will be introduced at all. There are a number of closure proposals of varying sizes.

    See Alex Miller's Java 7 page for the proposals and various blog posts.

    Personally I'd love to see closures - they're beautiful and incredibly helpful - but I fear that some of the proposals are pretty hairy.

    In November 2009 there was a surprising u-turn on this issue, and closures will now be added to Java 7.


    Closures (AKA lambdas expressions) in Java 7 didn't happen. They were finally added in the first release of Java 8 in 2014.


    上一篇: 在Objective中创建一个抽象类

    下一篇: Java 7中的闭包