


不知何故,即使我正在使用IIFE(立即调用的函数表达式)来创建新的词法作用域并以(作为j)保存计数副本,它们仍然指向count = 4,因此,当函数执行时,第一次和第二次功能都打印出我的价值:4“两次,当我预期:


var myFuncs = {};

var count = 0;

myFuncs[0] = function(){
        var j = count; //create a closure over the count value and save it inside the IIFE scope
        console.log("My value: " + j); //expecting j to be 0

count = 4;  //Update value inbetween two function declarations

//same as above but the j here should be 4
myFuncs[1] = function(){
        var j = count; //create a closure over the count value and save it inside the IIFE scope
        console.log("My value: " + j);

myFuncs[0](); //My value: 4
myFuncs[1](); //My value: 4

你实际上并没有用这个变量创建一个闭包,因为你在函数中引用它。 它需要被传入,并且传入的值需要被使用。

        myFuncs[0] = function(j){
            return function(){
                console.log("My value: " + j);
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/51617.html

上一篇: Unable to save copy of "count' within an IIFE function

下一篇: Why a nested IIFE is not creating closure?