customizing `org

I'm trying to publish webpage using org-mode. Two questions:

  • Is there a way to "sync" the org-mode files in the base-directory and the html files in the publishing-directory ? Specifically, if I delete an org file in the base-directory , can I get org-publish-html to delete the corresponding file in the html directory also?
  • If I have pages within subdirectories, how can I specify a single .css file in the root directory to be used for the style sheet? For instance, my directory structure is as follows:


  • css/
  • mystyle.css
  • index.html
  • subdir/
  • index.html
  • With the following specifications in org-publish-project-alist (this is just a subset) --

    :publishing-directory "public_html"
    :style "<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/mystyle.css" type="text/css"/>"

    mystyle.css is used by public_html/index.html but not by public_html/subdir/index.html . Is there a simple remedy to this (I want the style sheet to be used by both/all files in subdirectories)?

    Thanks much ~

  • There is no straightforward way of doing this. Org-mode doesn't know (or care) about the location to which it is publishing - it just sends things there and makes sure the correct directory structure exists. There is a hook in the publishing process that gets called after the files have been pushed to their published location. This is controlled by setting the :completion-function property in your org-publish-project-alist . You could use this hook to write a function that compares the *.org files in your base-dir and subdirectories to the accompanying *.html published files, and remove those *.html files that don't have an accompanying *.org file.

    I suspect this will be most easily accomplished by making your Lisp completion-function call a shell script that removes the necessary files. If you are doing something fancy with the :include , :exclude , or :base-extension properties, you'll likely want your completion-function to grab the pertinent information from the plist and then pass them to your shell script. This org-mode page has an example completion-function that shows how to get property values for the org-publish-project-alist . You would then need to pass them to your shell script.

  • There are several ways to do this. Perhaps the simplest is to just override the default style sheet in each file with a line such as:

    #+STYLE: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../stylesheet.css" />

    for your first level of subdirectory files, and keep adding ../ as you get deeper in the directory structure.

    Another possibility is generate generic template files for each level within the directory tree. This org-mode page gives a nice example of how to set this up.

    Lastly, another option is to use the :preparation-function property of org-publish-project-alist to define a function that will automatically change the style file for each file. Again, this is probably best done by having the Lisp preparation-function call a shell script to parse the files. I could imagine doing this with the Unix sed program to find a regular expression denoted something like href="@MYLOC@/stylesheet.css" /> and substitute the stuff between @ 's with the appropriate level within the directory tree. This seems like overkill, given the other options.

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