Having problems pinning Eclipse Juno/Luna/Mars shortcut to windows 7 taskbar
I can't seem to properly pin a shortcut to Juno. I've never had this problem with earlier versions of Eclipse.
I've already tried this approach How to make Eclipse behave well in the Windows 7 taskbar? But that didn't do it for me.
What happen is that when I run eclipse.exe the new shiny Juno icon is shown in the taskbar, but when it's done loading and I get to choose workspace the icon switches to a "Java EE IDE"-icon and pinning that icon doesn't work.
Anyone experience the same problem?
I was having the same problem, the new eclipse juno icon at first and then the old eclipse ide ee icon in windows taskbar. what I did was to search for png files in the eclipse plugin folder and there try to identify the new icons and the old ones.
I found that the old ones were coming from eclipse-junopluginsorg.eclipse.epp.package.jee_1.5.0.20120131-1544 on my computer and the new ones were located in eclipse-junopluginsorg.eclipse.platform_4.2.0.v201206081400.
In the epp jee folder I created a backup for javaee-ide_x16, _x32 and _48 png files and then copied from the org.eclipse.platform folder the icons eclipse_16, _32 and _48 png files to the epp jee folder and renamed them to javaee-ide_x16, _x32 and _48.
After that I restarted eclipse juno and the taskbar icon was the new shiny one.
Hope this helps, Cheers
I was facing the same issue. I did a couple of things:
1.Added this to the beginning of eclipse.ini
C:/Program Files/Java/jre6/bin/server
2.Updated the eclipse definitions - using check for updates from within eclipse. I still didn't get the pin option (icon showed Java EE)
3.Updated Windows and restarted my system.
And voila! It worked! Hope it does for you too!
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/51816.html