Getting the Name of a Column from the row and column indexes in PHPExcel

I want to know if it is possible to get the name of a column from the row and column indexes. ie I want to have a function that would return the name of a column by passing the row index and the column index eg let's say the name of my function is getColumnName. If I type getColumnName(1,8), I want it to return B8 for me.

Take a look at the PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex() method.

This accepts a numeric argument, eg 1 or 255, and will return the corresponding column letter, eg 'B' or 'IV' based on column 0 being 'A' and rows start from 1.


If you only need this for setting cell values, then most cell manipulation functions such as


have a corresponding method like


that accept a row and column number rather than a cell address


上一篇: 在Hibernate中重用查询

下一篇: 从PHPExcel的行和列索引中获取列的名称