Core Plot: Issue with plotSpace:willChangePlotRangeTo and autoscaling of y

I have upgraded from CorePlot 1.1 to CorePlot 1.4 and experience a issue with plotSpace:willChangePlotRangeTo : Core Plot does not scale the y-axis correctly.

Do I have to change anything in my code? (My code worked perfectly before upgrading to CorePlot 1.4).

Could there be a bug in Core Plot? My issue looks familiar to this issue reported here: Core Plot Issue 594 (I am using plotSpace:willChangePlotRangeTo in my code, disabling this method helps)

CPTXYPlotSpace changed in release 1.4. It now calls the -plotSpace:willChangePlotRangeTo:forCoordinate: delegate method any time the x- or y-range changes, not just when scrolling or zooming. You will need to adjust the delegate to account for this, or simply set the delegate after doing the initial plot space setup.


上一篇: 核心数据与Core Plot一起使用

下一篇: 核心图:问题与plotSpace:willChangePlotRangeTo和y的自动调整