Refresh PyDev import paths in Eclipse

I'm using Eclipse Helios under Ubuntu.

Whenever I install a new library under /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/ using pip , Eclipse doesn't see it and complains about invalid imports. I double checked the library is in place. Importing it works from the interpreter. Refreshing the PyDev configuration or restarting the IDE doesn't work. Note: the mentioned path is on the list of library paths in the Python interpreter tab.

Does anybody know of a remedy to this, and if not how to track down the actual cause.

The problem was that I installed the library from an egg. Egg folders need to be added manually or otherwise PyDev won't see them. Another thing that confused me a little was that I had another version of the same library installed as a regular folder. That folder however didn't have in it.


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下一篇: 在Eclipse中刷新PyDev导入路径