Multiple React components in a single module

I am new to the whole browserify thing. I have been trying to use browserify + reactify + gulp to transform, minify and combine a React application. As long as I have a single React.createClass with a single module.exports = MyComponent everything works fine. Since I have several shared components I physically host in the same file and reuse across projects, I would like to export more than one component. I have tried an array:

module.exports = [Component1, Component2]

and have also tried an object with multiple properties:

module.exports = {Comp1: Componenet1, Comp2: Component2} and have also tried in-lining the calls to createClass in the object, but that didn't help.

Is there a way to do this or do I have to split every component in to a seperate JSX file?

I have put multiple components in one file and export the object like you suggested.

module.exports = {
    comp1: Component1,
    comp2: Component2

Then where they are used do

var comp1 = require('your/path/to/components').comp1;
var comp2 = require('your/path/to/components').comp2;

You can do like this, with an index.js file into your /components/ folder


import Users from './Users/Users';
import User from './Users/User';

module.exports = {


import { Users, User } from './components';

As you can see, I named my file index.js , it prevent me from write it in the import declaration. If you want to name your file with another name than index.js , you'd have to write the name of the file in the import, Node won't guess it ! ^^

I use function to return component.

 module.exports = {
   comp1: function(){
     return Component1;


var myCompontents = require('./components');
var comp1 = myComponents.comp1();

上一篇: handleClick不起作用

下一篇: 单个模块中有多个React组件