Not being able to pass props from a parent component to a child component

I need to pass props to a child component Product but i don't know what i'm missing here.

Parent Component:

var Products = React.createClass({
  getInitialState: function(){..},
  deleteProduct: function(){..},
  updateProduct: function(){..},
  render: function(){
    var products =, function(product){
        <Product key={} product={product} handleDeleteProduct={this.deleteProduct} handleEditProduct={this.editProduct} formData={this.props.formData}/>
  return (
          <th colSpan="4">Actions</th>

Child Component:

var Product = React.createClass({
 console.log(this); //props: handleDeleteProduct: undefined, handleEditProduct: undefined
 handleEdit: function() {
  data = {..};
    success: (function(_this) {
      console.log(_this); //props: handleDeleteProduct: undefined, handleEditProduct: undefined
      return function(data) {
          edit: false
        return _this.props.handleEditProduct(_this.props.product, data);

I'm able to use key and product as a props inside the component but not this.props.handleDeleteProduct and this.props.handleEditProduct . I think may be i'm using the props inside the success callback of the $.ajax and then may be some thing related to async request. Not sure.

The error i'm getting is

Uncaught TypeError: _this.props.handleEditProduct is not a function

I'm not sure what i'm doing wrong here. I tried to loop directly in between <tbody> but still no luck. Also here i'm calling the functions like this.deleteProduct as a reference but not by function call. And if i do by calling by function then it is reporting execjs error.

I took this as a reference for looping inside JSX : loop inside React JSX

But no luck. Please help.

You are passing handleEditProduct={this.editProduct} , when the function is called updateProduct in your parent component. Change it to handleEditProduct={this.updateProduct} and I'll bet it works


Since that didn't work, I looked a little harder and I think I see what the problem is. I'm fairly sure that _ doesn't autobind this like React.createClass does. So when you map over your products here:

var products =, function(product){
        <Product key={} product={product} handleDeleteProduct={this.deleteProduct} handleEditProduct={this.editProduct} formData={this.props.formData}/>

this is not set to your react element. Try keeping a reference to this before you map , explicitly bind this to your map function, or use ES6 arrow functions: The simplest way to achieve what you want would be to save this in a variable:

var self = this;
var products =, function(product){
            <Product key={} product={product} handleDeleteProduct={self.deleteProduct} handleEditProduct={self.editProduct} formData={self.props.formData}/>

You can also use bind to achieve the same effect:


上一篇: 如何访问DOM事件

下一篇: 无法将道具从父组件传递给子组件