React js avoid wrapping div

I have the problem in component render function it's generating wrapping div while importing child component.

Parent Component render function:


          <Card style={styles.cardStyle}>
            {this.getTitle(, this.props.constraint)}
            <Grid fluid={true}>
                    <Fields key={0} obj={this.props.fields[0]} value={""} error={""} handler={this.props.handler}></Fields>

Child component function:

renderFields = (obj) =>{
    let des = translate(obj.description);
    let mandatory = (obj.required == true) ? " *" : ""
    let description = des + mandatory;
        case "string":
          return ([
            <Col xs={12} md={3}>
              <TextField fullWidth={true} ref={obj.code} floatingLabelText={description} value={this.props.value} onChange={(e,newValue) => this.props.handler(newValue, obj.code, obj.required, '')} errorText={this.props.error ? this.props.error : ""}/>
        case "integer":
          return (
            <Col xs={12} md={3}>
              <TextField fullWidth={true} ref={obj.code} floatingLabelText={description} value={this.props.value} onChange={(e,newValue) => this.props.handler(newValue, obj.code, obj.required, /^[+-]?d+$/)} errorText={this.props.error ? this.props.error : ""} />
        case "double":
          return (
            <Col xs={12} md={3}>
              <TextField fullWidth={true} ref={obj.code} floatingLabelText={description} value={this.props.value} onChange={(e,newValue) => this.props.handler(newValue, obj.code, obj.required, /^[+-]?d+(.d+)?$/)} errorText={this.props.error ? this.props.error : ""}/>

    return (

I'm using react bootstrap framework for the grid. I tried many solutions but unfortunately didn't work for me. It's generating wrapping div Before child component (Fields). The output looks like below :


Help me figure out this issue! I'm new to react.

Yes, you can avoid that wrapping div, reason is you want to return a single <col>....</col> so directly you can write it like this:

    return this.renderFields(this.props.obj)    //here no {} here

We need that wrapping div when we have multiple elements to return from render method. Also add return null; in the last of renderFields to handle the case when if condition fails.


Since child component is not using local state and lifecycle method so you can write it as Stateless Functional Component.

Like this:

const Child = ({obj}) => {
    let des = translate(obj.description);
    let mandatory = (obj.required == true) ? " *" : ""
    let description = des + mandatory;
        case "string":
          return (
            <Col xs={12} md={3}>
        case "integer":
          return (
            <Col xs={12} md={3}>
        case "double":
          return (
            <Col xs={12} md={3}>
    return null;

You can use this wrapper that I created:

With it, you can wrap everything in it instead of a DIV which will give you the resulting HTML you are looking for.


上一篇: REDX教程:儿童从哪里来

下一篇: 反应js避免包装div