redux tutorial : Where does children come from

This question already has an answer here:

  • children prop in React component 2 answers

  • In React you may have two types of components. A class that extends React.Component or a functional component which is just a vanilla JavaScript function. The functional components also receives props similarly to the class where we use this.props (or receive them as first argument of the constructor. For example:

    import React from 'react';
    class MyComponent extends React.Component {
      constructor(props) {
      render() {
        const { name } = this.props;
        return <p>Hello { name }</p>;
    <MyComponent name='Jon Snow' />

    Or as functional component:

    function MyComponent(props) {
      const { name } = props;
      return <p>Hello { name }</p>;

    The confusion in your case comes from the fact that there is a destructing of the props directly in the function definition. So MyComponent above may be written like:

    function MyComponent({ name }) {
      return <p>Hello { name }</p>;

    The children prop in React represents what's added as child elements of the component. For example:

      <Name />
    or even
      { () => <p>Hello world</p> }

    <Name /> and () => <p>Hello world</p> is what props.children is equal to.

    In your example children will be what's put inside FilterLink . For example:

      <VisibleOnlyIfActiveIsTruethy />

    The children prop is coming from the components that could be inside(wrapped by) the Link component when you call it, example:

     <Comp1 />
     <Comp2 />

    in this code: Comp1 and Comp2 are children of the Parent component.


    上一篇: 使用反应时呈现的组件上的Typescript错误

    下一篇: REDX教程:儿童从哪里来