Where can I get info on the object parameter syntax for javascript functions?
If I want to call a function like this:
moo({ a: 4 });
Normally i'd have to phrase my function definition like this:
function moo(myArgObj) {
But this awesome syntax is totally valid in spidermonkey for defining functions:
function moo({ a, b, c }) { // valid syntax!
print(a); // prints 4
Any ideas where I can find info on this? I'd like to see just how powerful this feature is.
I saw it in a javascript/ecmascript 5 talk a while ago, but I can't find it anymore. It doesnt appear in any of the videos I can find on youtube, and it's not mentioned in the standard's PDF itself.
It's called destructuring. You might find the most info at MDN: Destructuring assignment.
The ECMAScript standards discussion can be found on their wiki page, also interesting might be this blog post at dailyjs.
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