Spell checking message strings in .Net projects

I wanted to do a spell check for all the message strings used in my project. How can i do this using fxCop v 1.3.6?? Or do you recommend any other microsoft tool(not third party tool) as our company does not accept that

Pls help... Sample code i am testing with FxCop v1.3.6

// comment with invvvvls spellsig
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MessageBox.Show("This is incorret spelling");

Try putting your strings into a resource file. I'm using FxCop version 10, and I notice that strings in my resource files are spell-checked.

You can use a Visual Studio add-in (from VSCodeGallery). It's not from Microsoft but an integrated tool to VS:


On the other hand, FxCop >= 1.36 definitely ships with internal spell checker as stated here: http://davesbox.com/archive/2008/06/08/fxcop-now-ships-with-the-spell-checker-libraries.aspx. As far as it states, you should be able to enable it with: Project -> Options -> Spelling & Analysis and settings the Spelling language drop-down, but I couldn't find the dropdown in FxCop v4.5 RC, as I don't have the v1.36 release installed.

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/52268.html

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