How to bind gridview using linq/Entity Framework?

I need to bind GridView , I am using this code:

  ProductDBEntities db = new ProductPDBEntities();

    var pro = from u in db.Products where u.PID == 1 select u;

    if (pro != null)
        GridView1.DataSource = pro;

and getting this error.

System.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains more than one element

Can somebody please tell me what am I doin wrong?

Check Duplication and then try to bind it.

I have edited my last answer in order to display the complete code :

ProductDBEntities db = new ProductPDBEntities();
GridView1.DataSource = (from u in db.Products where u.PID == 1 select u).First();

This code may be helpful:

    gv.DataSource = (from u in db.Products .First(u=> u.PID==1)).ToList();

If you have a table and table detail can use this one:

    gv.DataSource = (from a in context.tblorder.First(p => == 19).tblorderdetail where a.ID == 19 select a).ToList();

First, you might check your data to see if there's more than one product with PID = 1.

Second, you can use the .First() method to make sure you get only one result for binding:

var pro = (from u in db.Products where u.PID == 1 select u).First();

上一篇: 任何人都可以告诉android的结果在开始活动中有什么用处

下一篇: 如何使用linq / Entity Framework绑定gridview?