Exact time measurement for performance testing

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  • How to measure code performance in .NET? 17 answers

  • 更好的方法是使用秒表类:

    using System.Diagnostics;
    // ...
    Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
    // ...

    As others have said, Stopwatch is a good class to use here. You can wrap it in a helpful method:

    public static TimeSpan Time(Action action)
        Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
        return stopwatch.Elapsed;

    (Note the use of Stopwatch.StartNew() . I prefer this to creating a Stopwatch and then calling Start() in terms of simplicity.) Obviously this incurs the hit of invoking a delegate, but in the vast majority of cases that won't be relevant. You'd then write:

    TimeSpan time = StopwatchUtil.Time(() =>
        // Do some work

    You could even make an ITimer interface for this, with implementations of StopwatchTimer, CpuTimer etc where available.

    As others said, Stopwatch should be the right tool for this. There can be few improvements made to it though, see this thread specifically: Benchmarking small code samples in C#, can this implementation be improved?.

    I have seen some useful tips by Thomas Maierhofer here

    Basically his code looks like:

    //prevent the JIT Compiler from optimizing Fkt calls away
    long seed = Environment.TickCount;
    //use the second Core/Processor for the test
    Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessorAffinity = new IntPtr(2);
    //prevent "Normal" Processes from interrupting Threads
    Process.GetCurrentProcess().PriorityClass = ProcessPriorityClass.High;
    //prevent "Normal" Threads from interrupting this thread
    Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest;
    //warm up
    var stopwatch = new Stopwatch()
    for (int i = 0; i < repetitions; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < iterations; j++)
        print stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds;

    Another approach is to rely on Process.TotalProcessTime to measure how long the CPU has been kept busy running the very code/process, as shown here This can reflect more real scenario since no other process affects the measurement. It does something like:

     var start = Process.GetCurrentProcess().TotalProcessorTime;
     var stop = Process.GetCurrentProcess().TotalProcessorTime;
     print (end - begin).TotalMilliseconds;

    A naked, detailed implementation of the samething can be found here.

    I wrote a helper class to perform both in an easy to use manner:

    public class Clock
        interface IStopwatch
            bool IsRunning { get; }
            TimeSpan Elapsed { get; }
            void Start();
            void Stop();
            void Reset();
        class TimeWatch : IStopwatch
            Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
            public TimeSpan Elapsed
                get { return stopwatch.Elapsed; }
            public bool IsRunning
                get { return stopwatch.IsRunning; }
            public TimeWatch()
                if (!Stopwatch.IsHighResolution)
                    throw new NotSupportedException("Your hardware doesn't support high resolution counter");
                //prevent the JIT Compiler from optimizing Fkt calls away
                long seed = Environment.TickCount;
                //use the second Core/Processor for the test
                Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessorAffinity = new IntPtr(2);
                //prevent "Normal" Processes from interrupting Threads
                Process.GetCurrentProcess().PriorityClass = ProcessPriorityClass.High;
                //prevent "Normal" Threads from interrupting this thread
                Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest;
            public void Start()
            public void Stop()
            public void Reset()
        class CpuWatch : IStopwatch
            TimeSpan startTime;
            TimeSpan endTime;
            bool isRunning;
            public TimeSpan Elapsed
                    if (IsRunning)
                        throw new NotImplementedException("Getting elapsed span while watch is running is not implemented");
                    return endTime - startTime;
            public bool IsRunning
                get { return isRunning; }
            public void Start()
                startTime = Process.GetCurrentProcess().TotalProcessorTime;
                isRunning = true;
            public void Stop()
                endTime = Process.GetCurrentProcess().TotalProcessorTime;
                isRunning = false;
            public void Reset()
                startTime = TimeSpan.Zero;
                endTime = TimeSpan.Zero;
        public static void BenchmarkTime(Action action, int iterations = 10000)
            Benchmark<TimeWatch>(action, iterations);
        static void Benchmark<T>(Action action, int iterations) where T : IStopwatch, new()
            //clean Garbage
            //wait for the finalizer queue to empty
            //clean Garbage
            //warm up
            var stopwatch = new T();
            var timings = new double[5];
            for (int i = 0; i < timings.Length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < iterations; j++)
                timings[i] = stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds;
                print timings[i];
            print "normalized mean: " + timings.NormalizedMean().ToString();
        public static void BenchmarkCpu(Action action, int iterations = 10000)
            Benchmark<CpuWatch>(action, iterations);

    Just call

    Clock.BenchmarkTime(() =>
    }, 10000000);


    Clock.BenchmarkCpu(() =>
    }, 10000000);

    The last part of the Clock is the tricky part. If you want to display the final timing, its up to you to choose what sort of timing you want. I wrote an extension method NormalizedMean which gives you the mean of the read timings discarding the noise. I mean I calculate the the deviation of each timing from the actual mean, and then I discard the values which was farer (only the slower ones) from the mean of deviation (called absolute deviation; note that its not the often heard standard deviation), and finally return the mean of remaining values. This means, for instance, if timed values are { 1, 2, 3, 2, 100 } (in ms or whatever), it discards 100 , and returns the mean of { 1, 2, 3, 2 } which is 2 . Or if timings are { 240, 220, 200, 220, 220, 270 } , it discards 270 , and returns the mean of { 240, 220, 200, 220, 220 } which is 220 .

    public static double NormalizedMean(this ICollection<double> values)
        if (values.Count == 0)
            return double.NaN;
        var deviations = values.Deviations().ToArray();
        var meanDeviation = deviations.Sum(t => Math.Abs(t.Item2)) / values.Count;
        return deviations.Where(t => t.Item2 > 0 || Math.Abs(t.Item2) <= meanDeviation).Average(t => t.Item1);
    public static IEnumerable<Tuple<double, double>> Deviations(this ICollection<double> values)
        if (values.Count == 0)
            yield break;
        var avg = values.Average();
        foreach (var d in values)
            yield return Tuple.Create(d, avg - d);
    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/52532.html

    上一篇: 多节点上的Node.js

    下一篇: 精确的时间测量用于性能测试