Get variable (not hard

I am looking for a way to retrieve the variable name, so I don't have to use hard-coded declarations when needed (for property names etc.):

I hardly believe it's possible; maybe someone has a solution. Note: even not variables, properties would also be a move.

Module Module1

    Sub Main()
        Dim variable = "asdf"
        Dim contact As New Contact

        Dim v1 = GetVariableName(variable) 'returns variable
        Dim v2 = GetVariableName(contact.Name) 'returns Name

    End Sub

    Class Contact
        Public ReadOnly Property Name()
                Return Nothing
            End Get
        End Property
    End Class

    Public Function GetVariableName(variable As Object) As String
    End Function

End Module

Answers are welcommed in either VB or C#.

Oh there is a simple solution, use expression trees here is an example, just adapt to your needs in c#

string GetPropertyName<T>(Expression<Func<T>> property)
    MemberExpression ex = (MemberExpression)property.Body;
    string propertyName = ex.Member.Name;
    return propertyName;

Now you can do

String example = null;
String propertyName = GetPropertyName(()=>example.Length);
//propertyName == "Length"

The first time I've seen that, it was a revelation ! ;)

@Abraham Pinzur; Following a further link in the article you linked to provides this snippet:

static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Name is '{0}'", GetName(new {args}));

static string GetName<T>(T item) where T : class
var properties = typeof(T).GetProperties();
return properties[0].Name;

Which does produce "Name is 'args'". Rinat's method exploits the property name generated by the C# compiler to produce an anonymous type in the expression new{args} . The full article is here:


Having read further into Rinat's article, this can also be done by producing an expression tree and browsing either the tree, or the IL it contains. Basically, read the linked article!

Rinat Abdullin is doing something like this by parsing IL from an anonymous method (or lambda expression). His full code is here.

So, your example would look like:

class Program
    static void Main (string[] args)
        var variable = "asdf";

        var v1 = GetVariableName(() => variable);  // returns "variable"

    static string GetVariableName (Func<object> variable)
    {   // Again, credit to Mr. Abdullin ...
        var il = variable.Method.GetMethodBody().GetILAsByteArray();
        var fieldHandle = BitConverter.ToInt32(il,2);
        var field = variable.Target.GetType()
        return field.Name;

However, this does not directly extend to your second case ( contact.Name --> "Name" ).


上一篇: 什么是实现“捕获所有异常处理程序”的最佳方式

下一篇: 获取变量(不难