Hyperlinks without leading and trailing spaces

Is it possible to create hyperlinks without leading and trailing spaces? The following doesn't work:


.. _`Structured`: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/user/rst/quickstart.html

The reason I'm asking is I'm working with Chinese text. Spaces are not used as word delimiters in Chinese. With the added spaces the text doesn't look well formatted, for example:



多了 空格 不好看。

Any ideas?

Eventually this is how I get away with this problem. Awkward, but works:

没有 空格_就对了。
我觉得 `中文和 RST`_不够兼容。

.. _空格: http://a-link-with-pure-zh-te.xt
.. _`中文和 RST`: http://a-link-with-mixed-zh-and.en

Update: Since docutils 0.13 we can enable character level inline markup. This way we can write like below and save a few backslashes.

没有 空格_就对了。
我觉得`中文和 RST`_不够兼容。

This option is enabled via the command line switch:

python rst2html.py --character-level-inline-markup 1.rst > 1.html
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/52856.html

上一篇: 为什么我从Tomcat 7获得404请求的资源不可用错误?

下一篇: 超链接没有前导和尾随空格