side rendering in country subfolders

I have successfully implemented server side rendering on my angular 5 app thanks to the universal starter.

I am now stuck with angular native internationalisation. I can successfully ng build --locale=fr --ouput-path=dist/fr --base-href=fr without universal rendering.

How can I mix internationalisation with universal rendering?

I can create language folders in server/browser via

ng build --prod --locale=fr --i18n-file src/locale/ --base-href=/fr --deploy-url=/fr --output-path=dist/browser/fr

ng build --prod --locale=fr --i18n-file src/locale/ --base-href=/fr --deploy-url=/fr --output-path=dist/server/fr --app 1 --output-hashing=false

And my dist folder looks like:



........ en

........ fr


........ en

........ fr

How could I make the server.ts serve all languages based on url base?

Hope someone can help!

Many thanks


上一篇: Angular Universal不提供index.html

下一篇: 在国家子文件夹中渲染