Get the attributes from the interface methods and the class methods

Whats the best approach for getting the attribute values from a classes methods and from the interface methods when the methods are overloaded?

For example I would want to know that in the following example the Get method with one parameter has the two attributes and the values are 5 and "any" while the other method has attributes with values 7 and "private".

public class ScopeAttribute : System.Attribute
    public string Allowed { get; set; }    

public class SizeAttribute : System.Attribute
    public int Max { get; set; }

public interface Interface1
    [SizeAttribute( Max = 5 )]
    string Get( string name );

    [SizeAttribute( Max = 7 )]
    string Get( string name, string area );


public class Class1 : Interface1
    [ScopeAttribute( Allowed = "any" )]
    public string Get( string name )
        return string.Empty;

    [ScopeAttribute( Allowed = "private" )]
    public string Get( string name, string area )
        return string.Empty;

The only way I found was to check what interfaces the class implements and check attributes of the property (if exist) on those interfaces, eg (note - overall approach is tested but the code itself is ad-hoc and may not compile :)

static bool HasAttribute (PropertyInfo property, string attribute) {
  if (property == null)
    return false;

  if (GetCustomAttributes ().Any (a => a.GetType ().Name == attribute))
    return true;

  var interfaces = property.DeclaringType.GetInterfaces ();

  for (int i = 0; i < interfaces.Length; i++)
    if (HasAttribute (interfaces[i].GetProperty (property.Name), attribute))
      return true;

  return false;

You can probably adopt it to methods equally easy.

您可以使用TypeDescriptor API


You should use reflection to get the custom attributes values

use MemberInfo.GetCustomAttributes Method to return the custom attributes attached to your member

here is a tutorial

EDIT: for get attributes from interface look at here


上一篇: 没有选定日期的日期选择器?

下一篇: 从接口方法和类方法获取属性