Can I set the stack pointer in LLVM?
I'm working on a small c++-like language which I'll be compiling to LLVM. One of the things I want to implement is cooperative multitasking; there will be a "yield" operator which will hopefully switch the stack pointer and program counter to the next "thread" in my program.
Is it possible to do this in llvm? Can I set the stack pointer register? If not, is there anything else similar I can do?
Edit: LLVM coroutines ( sound promising, though brings up some questions regarding stackful or stackless coroutines. I wonder, can they be used to implement a general yield-like operator?
Edit 2: In c++ boost has something called a "context" which can implement stackful coroutines. Still trying to figure out how they do it though. Anyone know?
Assuming you have the gcd library available: You can easily implement cooperative multitasking by using a semaphore (dispatch_semaphore_t). The semaphore count is set up so that exactly one of your threads can run at the same time. The yield () function signals and immediately locks the semaphore - the signal () wakes up another thread, and the lock stops the thread that called yield.
链接地址:下一篇: 我可以在LLVM中设置堆栈指针吗?