how to cache asyncio coroutines

I am using aiohttp to make a simple HTTP request in python 3.4 like this:

response = yield from aiohttp.get(url)

The application requests the same URL over and over again so naturally I wanted to cache it. My first attempt was something like this:

def cached_request(url):
    return aiohttp.get(url)

The first call to cached_request works fine, but in later calls I end up with None instead of the response object.

I am rather new to asyncio so I tried a lot of combinations of the asyncio.coroutine decorator, yield from and some other things, but none seemed to work.

So how does caching coroutines work?

I wrote a simple cache decorator myself:

def async_cache(maxsize=128):
    cache = {}

    def decorator(fn):
        def wrapper(*args):                                                         
            key = ':'.join(args)

            if key not in cache:
                if len(cache) >= maxsize:
                    del cache[cache.keys().next()]

                cache[key] = yield from fn(*args)

            return cache[key]

        return wrapper

    return decorator

def expensive_io():

This kind-of-works. But many aspects can probably be improved. For example: If the cached function is called a second time before the first call returns, it will execute a second time.

Maybe a bit late, but I've started a new package that may help: Contributions/comments are always welcome.

An example:

import asyncio

from collections import namedtuple

from aiocache import cached
from aiocache.serializers import PickleSerializer

Result = namedtuple('Result', "content, status")

@cached(ttl=10, serializer=PickleSerializer())
async def async_main():
    print("First ASYNC non cached call...")
    await asyncio.sleep(1)
    return Result("content", 200)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

Note that as an extra, it can cache any python object into redis using Pickle serialization. In case you just want to work with memory, you can use the SimpleMemoryCache backend :).

To use functools.lru_cache with coroutines, the following code works.

class Cacheable:
    def __init__(self, co): = co
        self.done = False
        self.result = None
        self.lock = asyncio.Lock()

    def __await__(self):
        with (yield from self.lock):
            if self.done:
                return self.result
            self.result = yield from
            self.done = True
            return self.result

def cacheable(f):
    def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
        r = f(*args, **kwargs)
        return Cacheable(r)
    return wrapped

async def foo():
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        async with session.get(url) as resp:
            return await resp.text()

The following is thread safe

class ThreadSafeCacheable:
    def __init__(self, co): = co
        self.done = False
        self.result = None
        self.lock = threading.Lock()

    def __await__(self):
        while True:
            if self.done:
                return self.result
            if self.lock.acquire(blocking=False):
                self.result = yield from
                self.done = True
                return self.result
                yield from asyncio.sleep(0.005)

上一篇: async def和coroutines,链接是什么

下一篇: 如何缓存asyncio协程