Generate a PDF logbook from git commits

I know that I am able to view previous commits in various ways using git log but I was wondering if anybody here could recommend some good tools for creating a PDF or HTML logbook from git commits. I was hoping I would be able to generate something similar to the style of Github commit logs but with different info.

If people don't have any ideas on programs to generate these logs, what are their thoughts or recommendations if I attempt to make my own generator?

Since the project is due quite soon i just wrote up a quick script myself to output a log the way i want to, it just scrapes the data from git-log and outputs it into a template (borrowed from github).

Example output

More info

I wrote one that generates a changelog from my tags. You can read more about it in my blog post, but the basic idea is that a well written tag should basically do it anyway and easily provide user-level docs.

If you are using Github anyway, I am wondering, why not save the html and the referred css files and run them through the html2pdf converter, say like Pisa converter.

With a little tweaking of the css I presume, you get high quality well formatted pdfs exactly like how you want them.

Alternatively, you can store the diffs in txt files and pass them through the libraries that include html to do syntax highlighting like Pygments and follow a similar process with Pisa, as above.


上一篇: .net:DLL与EXE的版本号?

下一篇: 从git提交生成PDF日志