No reply on JOIN

I am writing a IRC client in C++ (with the help of the SFML library), but it is behaving strangely. I send the NICK and USER commands and I can connect to the server, but the JOIN command has many strange thing happening that I have to write "Random code that magically works" to solve. I am pretty sure that the commands adhere to the IRC RFC as well.

I know that the sockets are sending what they are supposed to send and I have verified it with Wireshark, so what I post here is what the message of the packet is. In the following examples the socket is already connected to the IRC server (which in this case is

This works:

char mess[] ="NICK lmno nrUSER lmno 0 * :lmnonrJOIN #mytestnr";
Socket.Send(mess, sizeof(mess));

This does not:

char msg[] = "NICK lmno rnUSER lmno 0 * :lmno rn";
char msga[] = "JOIN #mytest rn";
Socket.Send(msg, sizeof(msg));
Socket.Send(msga, sizeof(msga));

But curiously this works:

char msg[] = "NICK lmno rnUSER lmno 0 * :lmno rn";
char msga[] = "JOIN #mytest rn";
Socket.Send(msg, sizeof(msg));
Socket.Send(msga, sizeof(msga));
Socket.Send(msga, sizeof(msga));

I did do some research on this topic and no one seems to have the same problem. Stranger is that when I tried this in telnet, I only have to send JOIN once. Is anyone able to give me some advice?

Thanks, SFI

It might have to do with the terminating '' character at the end of a c-string. Try

Socket.Send(msg, sizeof(msg) - 1);
Socket.Send(msga, sizeof(msga) - 1);

上一篇: IRC“QUIT”无法正常工作

下一篇: JOIN没有回复