What is the replacement for MavenProjectBuilder which is deprecated in maven 3?

I'm writing a plugin which in part takes as an input groupId:artifactId:version, and interrogates it POM.

In Maven2, there was an option to use MavenProjectBuilder. I could download the pom for the input GAV, and using MavenProjectBuilder, build a MavenProject and thus interrogate all I need from this pom (dependencies, scm tag), etc.

In Maven3, MavenProjectBuilder is deprecated, and I couldn't find any resource on replacement for it. Usually when you deprecate a class you add @see to help developers use the new class. Maven developers didn't,



Though it's not specifically referenced in the 3.0.3 API (as you mentioned), I think org.apache.maven.project.DefaultProjectBuilder (and the interface it implements) is the likely replacement. They seem to have done away with some of the convenience methods.

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/53516.html

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下一篇: 什么是mavenProjectBuilder在maven 3中被弃用的替代品?