Submitting to Apple: XCode "submit" or Application Loader?

iTunes Connect says to use the Application Loader utility in the Mac Developer Utilities folder.

There is also the XCode Submit feature in the Archive area, the same place where you validate an app before submission.

Do these two utilities do the same thing? Which is preferable?

They do the same thing. The only difference is that the Application loader forces you to validate the binary beforehand, whereas in Xcode 4, it's a separate button.

I recommend using the Xcode "Submit" button, especially if you're using Xcode 4. The way Apple redesigned Xcode 4 from Xcode 3, it looks as though they want people to use it. (They made it easier in Xcode 4.) Doing so will eliminate an extra tool from your workflow and might just make your life a little simpler.

Just note the process when using Xcode 4. If you're doing Ad Hoc builds, you'll need a second scheme to Archive those with proper code signing. If you're just doing local builds, you'll be fine with just one scheme.

Be sure to use the notes section in Xcode 4's Archives (area?) to note which builds are Ad Hoc and which are for the App Store. Also, in Xcode (not sure about the Application Loader), when submitting, you'll be prompted to select a code signing certificate. Make sure this selection matches what what you actually signed with.

With these things in mind, they are essentially the same.


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下一篇: 提交给Apple:XCode“submit”或Application Loader?