
我有2个数据表,我不知道他们的数据列的列表。 该列表必须在运行时提取,并用于完整外连接。



  • 获取公共列,使用相交,并实现IEqualityComparer
  • 用这些列创建一个新的数据表,以便这两个数据表将被合并到这个新表中
  • 但是,我在第二步中遇到了Linq问题。



        // Get common columns
        var commonColumns = dt1.Columns.OfType().Intersect(dt2.Columns.OfType(), new DataColumnComparer());


        // Create the result which is going to be sent to the user
        DataTable result = new DataTable();
        // Add all the columns from both tables
        .Union(dt2.Columns.OfType(), new DataColumnComparer())
        .Select(c => new DataColumn(c.Caption, c.DataType, c.Expression, c.ColumnMapping)).ToArray());



    var commonColumns = dt1.Columns.OfType<DataColumn>().Intersect(dt2.Columns.OfType<DataColumn>(), new DataColumnComparer());
            DataTable result = new DataTable();
            dt1.PrimaryKey = commonColumns.ToArray();
            result.Merge(dt1, false, MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey);
            result.Merge(dt2, false, MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey);

    基于Matthew的回答,我创建了一个接受2个以上数据表的函数。 我希望这有助于:


    var table123 = FullOuterJoinDataTables(table1, table2, table3);


    public DataTable FullOuterJoinDataTables(params DataTable[] datatables) // supports as many datatables as you need.
        DataTable result = datatables.First().Clone();
        var commonColumns = result.Columns.OfType<DataColumn>();
        foreach (var dt in datatables.Skip(1))
            commonColumns = commonColumns.Intersect(dt.Columns.OfType<DataColumn>(), new DataColumnComparer());
        result.PrimaryKey = commonColumns.ToArray();
        foreach (var dt in datatables)
            result.Merge(dt, false, MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey);
        return result;
    /* also create this class */
    public class DataColumnComparer : IEqualityComparer<DataColumn>
        public bool Equals(DataColumn x, DataColumn y) => x.Caption == y.Caption;       
        public int GetHashCode(DataColumn obj) => obj.Caption.GetHashCode();        

    我也努力得到答案,我正在复制粘贴整个代码。 我相信这会帮助你。

    您只需要DataTable1DataTable2和这两个表的主primarykeys就可以执行此连接。 您可以将数据表主键设置为

    datatable1.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { captureDT.Columns["Your Key Name"] };


    /// <summary>
        /// Combines the data of two data table into a single data table. The grouping of tables
        /// will be based on the primary key provided for both the tables.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="table1"></param>
        /// <param name="table2"></param>
        /// <param name="table1PrimaryKey"></param>
        /// <param name="table2PrimaryKey"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private DataTable DataTablesOuterJoin(DataTable table1, DataTable table2, string table1PrimaryKey, string table2PrimaryKey)
            DataTable flatDataTable = new DataTable();
            foreach (DataColumn column in table2.Columns)
                flatDataTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(column.ToString()));
            foreach (DataColumn column in table1.Columns)
                flatDataTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(column.ToString()));
            // Retrun empty table with required columns to generate empty extract
            if (table1.Rows.Count <= 0 && table2.Rows.Count <= 0)
                return flatDataTable;
            var dataBaseTable2 = table2.AsEnumerable();
            var groupDataT2toT1 = dataBaseTable2.GroupJoin(table1.AsEnumerable(),
                                    br => new { id = br.Field<string>(table2PrimaryKey).Trim().ToLower() },
                                    jr => new { id = jr.Field<string>(table1PrimaryKey).Trim().ToLower() },
                                    (baseRow, joinRow) => joinRow.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                        .Select(row => new
                                            flatRow = baseRow.ItemArray.Concat((row == null) ? new object[table1.Columns.Count] :
                                        })).SelectMany(s => s);
            var dataBaseTable1 = table1.AsEnumerable();
            var groupDataT1toT2 = dataBaseTable1.GroupJoin(table2.Select(),
                                    br => new { id = br.Field<string>(table1PrimaryKey).Trim().ToLower() },
                                    jr => new { id = jr.Field<string>(table2PrimaryKey).Trim().ToLower() },
                                    (baseRow, joinRow) => joinRow.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                        .Select(row => new
                                            flatRow = (row == null) ? new object[table2.Columns.Count].ToArray().Concat(baseRow.ItemArray).ToArray() :
                                        })).SelectMany(s => s);
            // Get the union of both group data to single set
            groupDataT2toT1 = groupDataT2toT1.Union(groupDataT1toT2);
            // Load the grouped data to newly created table 
            foreach (var result in groupDataT2toT1)
                flatDataTable.LoadDataRow(result.flatRow, false);
            // Get the distinct rows only
            IEnumerable rows = flatDataTable.Select().Distinct(DataRowComparer.Default);
            // Create a new distinct table with same structure as flatDataTable
            DataTable distinctFlatDataTable = flatDataTable.Clone();
            // Push all the rows into distinct table.
            // Note: There will be two different columns for primary key1 and primary key2. In grouped rows,
            // primary key1 or primary key2 can have empty values. So copy all the primary key2 values to
            // primary key1 only if primary key1 value is empty and then delete the primary key2. So at last
            // we will get only one perimary key. Please make sure the non-deleted key must be present in 
            foreach (DataRow row in rows)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(row[table1PrimaryKey].ToString()))
                    row[table1PrimaryKey] = row[table2PrimaryKey];
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(row[CaptureBusDateColumn].ToString()))
                    row[CaptureBusDateColumn] = _businessDate;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(row[CaptureUserIDColumn].ToString()))
                    row[CaptureUserIDColumn] = row[StatsUserIDColumn];
            // Sort the table based on primary key.
            DataTable sortedFinaltable = (from orderRow in distinctFlatDataTable.AsEnumerable()
                                          orderby orderRow.Field<string>(table1PrimaryKey)
                                          select orderRow).CopyToDataTable();
            // Remove primary key2 as we have already copied it to primary key1 
            return ReplaceNulls(sortedFinaltable, "0");
        /// <summary>
        /// Replace all the null values from data table with specified string 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dt"></param>
        /// <param name="replaceStr"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private DataTable ReplaceNulls(DataTable dt, string replaceStr)
            for (int a = 0; a < dt.Rows.Count; a++)
                for (int i = 0; i < dt.Columns.Count; i++)
                    if (dt.Rows[a][i] == DBNull.Value)
                        dt.Rows[a][i] = replaceStr;
            return dt;
    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/53745.html

    上一篇: Full outer join, on 2 data tables, with a list of columns

    下一篇: Linq to work with slightly complex selectlist