XElement Iteration and adding it to parent

hi I have the following question ...please do help as I am very new to programming in C# with no previous programming experience...

In my code I am suppose to Iterate through XElement in a Xml file add that Xelement to a parent known as Capability....This is my code...

if (xElem.HasElements)

            foreach (XElement xChild in xElem.Element("Elements"))
                Capability capChild = Parse(xChild);

here the foreach loop gives an error

Error 32 foreach statement cannot operate on variables of type 'System.Xml.Linq.XElement' because 'System.Xml.Linq.XElement' does not contain a public definition for 'GetEnumerator'........

how can I carry out the functionality of finding if XElement has any child and adding it to the parent Capability?

First fix, add an 's' :

//foreach (XElement xChild in xElem.Element("Elements"))
  foreach (XElement xChild in xElem.Elements("Elements"))

This assumes that there are 1 or more tags <Elements> in your XML under xElem.

Henk's answer should work but I personally would use

    foreach (XElement xChild in xElem.Descendants())

where xElem would equal the parent element you want all child elements for. Or you could also use a LINQ query to basically accomplish the same task

    var children =
       from xChild in xElem.Descendants()
       select Parse(xChild)

which should return an IEnumerable that you can loop through and add that way.


It also just dawned on me that you said you're new to C# with no previous programming experience. I think it's also important that you understand WHY this error was thrown. In C# in order to use a foreach loop the collection must implement IEnumerable. This so that collection types can define how the data is enumerated. XElement is not enumerable because it's meant to represent a single element, not a collection of elements. So using xElem.Element("ElementName") is meant to return a single result, not an array or collection. Using xElem.Elements("ElementName") will return a collection of all the XElements that match the XName. However if you want all the child elements of a single element regardless of name this is where xElem.Descendants() comes in to play. Which one you use depends on what data you need and how your adding it.

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/53790.html

上一篇: IDictionaryEnumerator不是一个迭代器接口类型?

下一篇: XElement迭代并将其添加到父项