IDictionaryEnumerator is not an iterator interface type?

I'm trying to port some code that uses Hashtable to an environment that doesn't have this class. So I thought about not messing with the code and just create my own Hashtable from Dictionary , like this:

public class Hashtable : Dictionary<Object, Object> {
    // ...
    new public IDictionaryEnumerator GetEnumerator() {          

      var ie = base.GetEnumerator();
      while (ie.MoveNext())
          yield return new DictionaryEntry(ie.Current.Key, ie.Current.Value);

I'm getting this error:

error CS1624: The body of 'System.Collections.Hashtable.GetEnumerator()' cannot be an iterator block because 'System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator' is not an iterator interface type

Well, but IDictionaryEnumerator inherits from IEnumerator .

The odd thing is that if I just return (IDictionaryEnumerator)base.GetEnumerator(); the code compiles (but fails during runtime in the foreach loop).

I don't understand what this error is telling me and don't know how to properly implement this.

Iterator blocks are rewritten by the compiler into classes that implement IEnumerable or IEnumerator ; the compiler doesn't know how to generate a class that implement IDictionaryEnumerator , so you can't use an iterator block to implement that interface.

A possible workaround is to provide your own implementation of IDictionaryEnumerator :

class Hashtable : Dictionary<object, object>
    new public IDictionaryEnumerator GetEnumerator()
        return new DictionaryEnumerator(base.GetEnumerator());

    struct DictionaryEnumerator : IDictionaryEnumerator
        private Enumerator _en;

        public DictionaryEnumerator(Dictionary<object, object>.Enumerator en)
            _en = en;

        public object Current
                return Entry;

        public DictionaryEntry Entry
                var kvp = _en.Current;
                return new DictionaryEntry(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);

        public bool MoveNext()
            bool result = _en.MoveNext();
            return result;

        public void Reset()
            throw new NotSupportedException();

        public object Key
                var kvp = _en.Current;
                return kvp.Key;

        public object Value
                var kvp = _en.Current;
                return kvp.Value;

上一篇: 在vb.net中实现IDictionary接口

下一篇: IDictionaryEnumerator不是一个迭代器接口类型?