
gdb的现代版本允许将Python代码集成到“漂亮打印”复杂数据结构。 对于C ++的STL类以及一些更常见的boost.org类型,有一些非常漂亮的打印机实现。

在网络编程中,通常会遇到select / poll调用。 poll()使用一组数据结构, select()使用fd_set

有没有人跑过漂亮的打印机实现fd_set ,最好是便携式的,但即使是平台特定的也没关系。 理想情况下,它将是Linux / x86,但我会采取任何措施并希望能够适应。

Alrighty,这是我写的东西,在Linux下似乎适用于我。 请让我知道这对你有没有用:


import gdb

class fd_set_printer:
  Prints an fd_set, which is normally an opaque
  array of ints, each bit representing one file descriptor

  def __init__(self, val, val_array):
    self.val = val
    self.val_array = val_array

  def find_set_bits(bit_array):
    Finds set bits in a long bit list.
    Expects a gdb.Value which contains a C array,
      such as int[10], and treats it as a bitlist
      of int_size * 10 bits long.  Returns an array of
      bit positions, starting with 0, for which the bits
      are on.
    e.g. for int foo[] = [1, 6], it will return [ 0, 33, 34 ]
    The array should be given as a gdb.Value
    set_bits = []
    bits_length = bit_array[0].type.sizeof * 8
    current_bit = 0

    # Can not use 'for current_byte in gdb.Value:' even if
    #  gdb.Value.type.code == gdb.TYPE_CODE_ARRAY
    # So iteration happens this ugly C-style way
    for current_byte_pos in xrange(*bit_array.type.range()):
      current_byte = bit_array[current_byte_pos]
      for bit in xrange(0, bits_length):
        bit_mask = 1 << bit
        if bit_mask & current_byte == bit_mask:
        current_bit += 1

    return set_bits

  def to_string(self):
    fd_list = self.find_set_bits(self.val_array)
    if len(fd_list) == 0:
      output = "Empty file descriptor set."
      output = "File descriptor set: "
      output += ', '.join(map(str, fd_list))
    return output

def anon_struct_lookup_function(val):
  Checks if the given value looks like an fd_set.
  If it does, delegates printing to the printer
  lookup_tag = val.type.tag
  if lookup_tag == None:
    return None
  if lookup_tag != "<anonymous struct>":
    return None

  fields = val.type.fields()
  val_array = None

  if len(fields) == 1 and fields[0].name == 'fds_bits':
    val_array = val['fds_bits']
  elif len(fields) == 1 and fields[0].name == '__fds_bits':
    val_array = val['__fds_bits']

  if not val_array is None:
    return fd_set_printer(val, val_array)

  return None

def add_fd_set_printer(obj = gdb):
  "Adds the fd_set pretty printer to the given object"


import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '/home/user/anonprint_py_directory_here')
from anonprint import add_fd_set_printer


链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/53909.html

上一篇: Does anybody have gdb pretty

下一篇: Find constructors with more than 3 parameters with Resharpers pattern catalogue