JNI converting native unsigned char arry to jbyte array
Í have JNI function that needs to return a jbyte array. The array contains byte data of ac struct with data. But i get an error when i pass the data form the unsinged char array to the jbyte array.
The C struct is defined as followed:
// ObjectInfo struct definition
struct ObjectInfo {
int ObjectXCor;
int ObjectYCor;
int ObjectMass;
// ObjectInfo struct definition
struct SensorDataStruct{
int PingData;
int IRData;
int ForceData;
int CompassData;
// ObjectInfo struct definition
union PackedSend{
struct CommStruct{
ObjectInfo VisionData;
SensorDataStruct SensorData;
} CommData;
unsigned char bytes[28];
The JNI method is defined as followed:
JNIEXPORT jbyteArray JNICALL Java_com_example_communicationmodule_MainActivity_Convert(
JNIEnv *env, jobject,
jint var1,
jint var2,
jint var3,
jint var4,
jint var5,
jint var6,
jint var7)
// Array to fill with data
jbyteArray Array;
// Init java byte array
Array = env->NewByteArray(28);
SendData.CommData.SensorData.PingData = var1;
SendData.CommData.SensorData.IRData = var2;
SendData.CommData.SensorData.ForceData = var3;
SendData.CommData.SensorData.CompassData = var4;
SendData.CommData.VisionData.ObjectXCor = var5;
SendData.CommData.VisionData.ObjectYCor = var6;
SendData.CommData.VisionData.ObjectMass = var7;
//Put the native unsigned chars in the java byte array
for(int Index=0; Index < 28; Index++){
Array[Index] = SendData.bytes[Index];
// Return java array
return Array;
The error that i get is: jni/HelperFunctions.cpp:44:38: error: no match for 'operator=' in '*(Array + ((unsigned int)Index)) = SendData.PackedSend::bytes[Index]'
My question is wat is the proper way to convert the native unsigned char array to the a jbyte array? Doe anyboy have a suggestion? All tips are welcome!
After casting to (jbyte) i get the the following errors: jni/HelperFunctions.cpp:54:46: error: no match for 'operator=' in '*(Array + ((unsigned int)Index)) = (jbyte)SendData.PackedSend::bytes[Index]' jni/HelperFunctions.cpp:54:46: note: candidate is: C:/android-ndk-r9/platforms/android-8/arch-arm/usr/include/jni.h:66:7: note: _jbyteArray& _jbyteArray::operator=(const _jbyteArray&)
The casting code is as followed:
//Put the native unsigned chars in the java byte array
for(int Index=0; Index < 28; Index++){
Array[Index] = (jbyte) SendData.bytes[Index];
Does anybody have a idea or suggestion? Everthing is welcome!
env->SetByteArrayRegion(Array, 0, 28, (jbyte*)SendData.bytes)
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/54082.html
上一篇: C ++读取文件末尾的剩余数据