Why do we not have a virtual constructor in C++?
为什么C ++没有虚拟构造函数?
Hear it from the horse's mouth:).
From Bjarne Stroustrup's C++ Style and Technique FAQ Why don't we have virtual constructors?
A virtual call is a mechanism to get work done given partial information. In particular, "virtual" allows us to call a function knowing only any interfaces and not the exact type of the object. To create an object you need complete information. In particular, you need to know the exact type of what you want to create. Consequently, a "call to a constructor" cannot be virtual.
The FAQ entry goes on to give the code for a way to achieve this end without a virtual constructor.
Virtual functions basically provide polymorphic behavior. That is, when you work with an object whose dynamic type is different than the static (compile time) type with which it is referred to, it provides behavior that is appropriate for the actual type of object instead of the static type of the object.
Now try to apply that sort of behavior to a constructor. When you construct an object the static type is always the same as the actual object type since:
To construct an object, a constructor needs the exact type of the object it is to create [...] Furthermore [...]you cannot have a pointer to a constructor
(Bjarne Stroustup (P424 The C++ Programming Language SE))
Unlike object oriented languages such as Smalltalk or Python, where the constructor is a virtual method of the object representing the class (which means you don't need the GoF abstract factory pattern, as you can pass the object representing the class around instead of making your own), C++ is a class based language, and does not have objects representing any of the language's constructs. The class does not exist as an object at runtime, so you can't call a virtual method on it.
This fits with the 'you don't pay for what you don't use' philosophy, though every large C++ project I've seen has ended up implementing some form of abstract factory or reflection.
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/54154.html上一篇: C ++类成员函数模板可以是虚拟的吗?
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