Using Pylint with Django

I would very much like to integrate pylint into the build process for my python projects, but I have run into one show-stopper: One of the error types that I find extremely useful--: E1101: *%s %r has no %r member* --constantly reports errors when using common django fields, for example:

E1101:125:get_user_tags: Class 'Tag' has no 'objects' member

which is caused by this code:

def get_user_tags(username):
   Gets all the tags that username has used.

   Returns a query set.
   return Tag.objects.filter(  ## This line triggers the error.

# Here is the Tag class, models.Model is provided by Django:
class Tag(models.Model):
   Model for user-defined strings that help categorize Events on
   on a per-user basis.
   name = models.CharField(max_length=500, null=False, unique=True)

   def __unicode__(self):

How can I tune Pylint to properly take fields such as objects into account? (I've also looked into the Django source, and I have been unable to find the implementation of objects , so I suspect it is not "just" a class field. On the other hand, I'm fairly new to python, so I may very well have overlooked something.)

Edit: The only way I've found to tell pylint to not warn about these warnings is by blocking all errors of the type (E1101) which is not an acceptable solution, since that is (in my opinion) an extremely useful error. If there is another way, without augmenting the pylint source, please point me to specifics :)

See here for a summary of the problems I've had with pychecker and pyflakes -- they've proven to be far to unstable for general use. (In pychecker's case, the crashes originated in the pychecker code -- not source it was loading/invoking.)

Do not disable or weaken Pylint functionality by adding ignores or generated-members .
Use an actively developed Pylint plugin that understands Django.
This Pylint plugin for Django works quite well:

pip install pylint-django

and when running pylint add the following flag to the command:

--load-plugins pylint_django

Detailed blog post here.

我使用以下内容: pylint --generated-members=objects

My ~/.pylintrc contains


the last two are specifically for Django.

Note that there is a bug in PyLint 0.21.1 which needs patching to make this work.

Edit: After messing around with this a little more, I decided to hack PyLint just a tiny bit to allow me to expand the above into:


I simply added:

    import re
    for pattern in self.config.generated_members:
        if re.match(pattern, node.attrname):

after the fix mentioned in the bug report (ie, at line 129).

Happy days!


上一篇: 什么是函数内部的静态变量的Python等价物?

下一篇: 在Django中使用Pylint