JUnit adding extra tests to Test Case

I'm using Eclipse I've got some JUnit 4 test cases defined. Some of the classes have changed (only slightly at the moment) and I was wondering if there's any way to open up the GUI where I can select the methods I want to create test stubs for again to update the existing test cases.

I know I could add them manually and I could also create a new Test Case with a different file name and then copy and paste them, but is there any way to update the Test Case from the Class in a smoother way?


I use a plugin called MoreUnit. If you are on a method, you can press Ctrl+U to generate a test method in the test class. You can then press Ctrl+J to jump to the test method and implement it. It also puts an icon in the editor gutter next to methods which have test cases.

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/54200.html

上一篇: 自定义etag生成

下一篇: JUnit将额外的测试添加到测试用例