Age in years from DateTime (Date of birth)


How Can I calculate Someone's Age in C#?

I have a datetime variable that represents the date of birth of a user.

How can I get the age in years from this?

Update I want a precise birthday, so 30.45 years or something.

尝试以下(假设出生日期存储在dtDOB ):

public int getAgeInYears {
  TimeSpan tsAge = DateTime.Now.Subtract(dtDOB);

  return new DateTime(tsAge.Ticks).Year - 1;


DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
int age = now.Year - bday.Year;
if (now < bday.AddYears(age)) age--;

You can try with (in Vb):

    Dim dateOfBirth As Date

    Now.Subtract(dateOfBirth).TotalDays  365

is an Integer division in Vb, I do not know if it has a correspondant in C#.


上一篇: 简单年龄计算器基于C#中的出生日期

下一篇: 来自DateTime的年龄(出生日期)