

这是我的代码。 但我有错误跟随错误。

错误2属性或索引器'LightSwitchApplication.Patient.AgeAtDiagnosis'不能分配给 - 它是只读的

partial void AgeAtDiagnosis_Compute(ref int result)
        // Set result to the desired field value
        AgeAtDiagnosis = DateofDiagnosis.Year - DateofBirth.Year;
        if (DateofBirth > DateofDiagnosis.AddYears(-AgeAtDiagnosis))

DateTime birth = new DateTime(1950, 01, 01);
DateTime diagnosis = new DateTime(2012, 02, 01);
TimeSpan Span = diagnosis - birth;
DateTime Age = DateTime.MinValue + Span;
// note: MinValue is 1/1/1 so we have to subtract...
int Years = Age.Year - 1;

TimeSpane age0 = this.DateOfDiagnosis - this.DateOfBirth;

int age1 = (int) Math.Trunc( age0.TotalDays / 365.25);

您可以从另一个日期中减去一个日期以给出TimeSpan。 这有一个TotalDays属性,您可以从中获取多年。 这取决于你想要的准确度:

var ageInDays = (diagnoticDate - dateOfBirth).TotalDays;  
var age = Convert.ToInt32(ageInDays / 365);


链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/54359.html

上一篇: Property or indexer cannot be assigned to

下一篇: what is the simplest and correct way to calculate age?