CSS & Javascript: Get a list of CSS custom attributes

From this code:


<div class="test"></div>


.test {
    -custom-data1: value 1;
    -custom-data2: 150;
    -custom-css-information: "lorem ipsum";


With javascript -- for example from a $('.test') -- how can I get a list of the CSS attributes wich have the property name starting with the prefix "-custom-" ? (they can have various name, but always the same prefix)

I would like to get this:

    customData1: "value 1",
    customData2: 150,
    customCssInformation: "lorem ipsum"

I know that I can also use the data- HTML attribute, but for some very specifics reasons I need to use a CSS equivalent. Thanks for your help.

Short Answer: IE 9 will give you these values.

However, Firefox/Chrome/Safari parse them out.

example jsfiddle

you can loop through the document's stylesheets to find a match to the desired selector (note that this can be a costly procedure especially on sites with large/multiple CSS files)

var css = document.styleSheets, 

// loop through each stylesheet
for (var i in css) {
    if (typeof css[i] === "object" && css[i].rules || css[i].cssRules) {
        rules = css[i].rules || css[i].cssRules;
        // loop through each rule
        for (var j in rules) {
            if (typeof rules[j] === "object") {
                if (rules[j].selectorText) {
                    // see if the rule's selectorText matches
                    if (rules[j].selectorText.indexOf('.test') > -1) {
                        // do something with the results.

you'll notice in browsers other than IE 9 (haven't tested IE 8 or lower) that the -custom- styles have been removed from the cssText .

Here's a solution that can get the custom css attributes:

    -custom-1: one;
    -custom-2: 4;
<a class='custom-thing' href='#' onclick='test();'>test</a>
    function test() {
        var valueOne = getCssValue('.custom-thing', '-custom-1');

        var valueTwo = getCssValue('.custom-thing', '-custom-2');

    function getCssValue(selector, attribute) {
        var raw = getRawCss(selector);
        if (!raw) {
            return null;
        var parts = raw.split(';');
        for (var i in parts) {
            var subparts = parts[i].split(':');
            if (trimString(subparts[0]) == attribute) {
                return subparts[1];
        return null;

    function trimString(s) {
        return s.replace(/^s+|s+$/g, ""); 

    function getRawCss(selector) {
        for (var i = 0; i < document.styleSheets.length; i++) {
            var css = document.styleSheets[i].rules || document.styleSheets[i].cssRules;
            for (var x = 0; x < css.length; x++) {
                if (css[x].selectorText == selector) {
                    return (css[x].cssText) ? css[x].cssText : css[x].style.cssText;
        return null;

This took me a little bit to put together, and I never knew you could do this before.

Pretty Cool!

Rather late, but I believe it's worth the fuss posting it, in case I can help others too.

var css = document.styleSheets[0]; // some stylesheet

var result = [];
for (var r=0; r<css.rules.length; r++)
   var item = { selector: css.rules[r].selectorText };
   var styles = {};
   for (var s in css.rules[r].style)
       if (!isNaN(s))
            var key = css.rules[r].style[s];
            var val = css.rules[r].style[key];
            styles[key] = val;
   item.styles = styles;


And it will print you out a neat tree with all the selectors and their properties. :)

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/54660.html

上一篇: Maven:无法将第三方JAR部署到远程存储库

下一篇: CSS&Javascript:获取CSS自定义属性的列表