How to read all message from queue using stomp library in Python?
How can I read all messages from stomp queue in Python?
I wrote such code but it reads only one message and exists - how to force read all messages.
# coding=utf-8 import stomp import logging from import FarmSettings import platform import os if __name__ == '__main__': logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ConnectionListener(stomp.ConnectionListener): def __init__(self, connection): self.connection = connection " Current connection. " def on_error(self, headers, body): logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.error('Stomp connection error headers = %s and body = %s.' % (headers, body)) def on_message(self, headers, message): logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.debug('Stomp new message headers = %s and body = %s.' % (headers, message)) farm = FarmSettings.get_by_hostname() conn = stomp.Connection12(host_and_ports=farm.active_mq_settings.hosts_and_ports) conn.set_listener('message', ConnectionListener(conn)) conn.set_listener('print', stomp.PrintingListener()) conn.set_listener('stats', stomp.StatsListener()) conn.start() conn.connect(username=farm.active_mq_settings.username, passcode=farm.active_mq_settings.passcode, wait=True) subscribe_id = '-'.join(map(str, (platform.node(), os.getppid(), os.getpid()))) # conn.set_listener('stats', stomp.StatsListener()) # conn.set_listener('print', stomp.PrintingListener()) conn.send('queue/test', 'hello') conn.subscribe(destination='queue/test', id=subscribe_id, ack='client-individual') conn.unsubscribe(id=subscribe_id) conn.disconnect() conn.stop()
您可以使用Stomp Library中的TestListner:
conn = stomp.Connection([(host, 61613)]) #This is the default stomp port
listener = TestListener()
conn.set_listener('', listener)
conn.connect(username, password, wait=True)
conn.subscribe(destination=queue_name, id=1, ack='auto')
listener.message_list #This can read all the messages from the queue
headers, message = listener.get_latest_message() #This can read the last message from the queue
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