LINQ groupby语句与键



| AppointID | UserID | AppointSet | AppointResolved |  AppointStatus | AppointmentDatetime
|     1     |   1    |  3/1/2011  |   3/1/2011      |      1         |     3/15/2011
|     2     |   1    |  3/2/2011  |   3/5/2011      |      4         |     3/16/2011
|     3     |   1    |  3/2/2011  |   3/11/2011     |      2         |     3/11/2011
|     4     |   1    |  3/3/2011  |   3/7/2011      |      3         |     3/25/2011

ApponintStatus是一个字节,其中1代表设置,2代表参加,3代表重新安排,4代表取消。 AppointDatetime是约会设置的日期。


|    Date     |   Set   |   Attended   |   Rescheduled   |   Cancelled   |
|  3/1/2011   |    1    |              |                 |               |
|  3/2/2011   |    2    |              |                 |               |
|  3/3/2011   |    1    |              |                 |               |
|  3/5/2011   |         |              |                 |      1        |
|  3/7/2011   |         |      1       |                 |               |
|  3/11/2011  |         |              |        1        |               |

这是我迄今为止所拥有的。 日期是我查询的月份内的一个日期(例如,通过3月4日并且应该返回3月表格)

var r = from appnt in MyDC.LeadsAppointments
        where appnt.UserID == TheUserID
        where (appnt.AppointResolved.Year == TheDate.Year && appnt.AppointResolved.Month == TheDate.Month) ||
        (appnt.AppointSet.Year == TheDate.Year && appnt.AppointSet.Month == TheDate.Month)
        group appnt by appnt.AppointResolved.Date into daygroups
        select new ViewMonthlyActivityModel()
            ViewDate = (from d in daygroups
                        select daygroups.Key.Date).First(), // Problem here: need to get dates for instances where an appointment is set but none are resolved

            CountTotalSetOnDay = (from c in daygroups
                                  where c.AppointSet.Date == daygroups.Key // Problem here
                                  select c.AppointID).Count(),

            CountAttendedOnDay = (from c in daygroups
                                  where c.AppointResolved.Date == daygroups.Key.Date
                                  where c.AppointStatus == 2
                                  select c.AppointID).Count(),

其中一个问题是CountTotalSetOnDay仅返回那些在同一天设置和解析的计数; 另一个问题是ViewDate需要返回所有的日期:有没有设置约会但约会出席,重新安排或取消的日期,反之亦然,有约会设置但没有解决的日期。

现在我用两个查询来运行这个查询,并加入结果:一个查询返回约会集,另一个查询返回已解决的约会。 然而,我仍然坚持在一次阅读中一个查询的解决方案。



您需要使用“设置”日期和“已解决”日期进行分组。 这很容易通过增加另一个实现from条款做与设定的日期和分组这些日期的交叉连接。

以下查询基于LINQ to Objects查询。 LINQ to SQL不支持这种查询,因此您必须决定是否要使用在客户机或服务器上运行的查询。

const byte statusAttended = 2;
const byte statusRescheduled = 3;
const byte statusCancelled = 4;
var query = from a in MyDC.LeadsAppointments.AsEnumerable()
            from date in new[] { a.AppointSet.Date, a.AppointResolved.Date }
            where a.UserID == TheUserID
               && date.Year == TheDate.Year
               && date.Month == TheDate.Month
            group a by date into g
            orderby g.Key
            let set = g.Distinct().ToList()
            select new ViewMonthlyActivityModel
                ViewDate = g.Key,
                CountTotalSetOnDay =
                    set.Count(a => a.AppointSet.Date == g.Key),
                CountTotalAttendedOnDay =
                    set.Count(a => a.AppointResolved.Date == g.Key
                                && a.AppointStatus == statusAttended),
                CountTotalRescheduledOnDay =
                    set.Count(a => a.AppointResolved.Date == g.Key
                                && a.AppointStatus == statusRescheduled),
                CountTotalCancelledOnDay =
                    set.Count(a => a.AppointResolved.Date == g.Key
                                && a.AppointStatus == statusCancelled),

否则,对于应该工作的完全LINQ to SQL解决方案(不是最干净的),你可以试试这个。 可能有更好的方法来做到这一点,但我不知道。

const byte statusAttended = 2;
const byte statusRescheduled = 3;
const byte statusCancelled = 4;
var query = from a in MyDC.LeadsAppointments
            let setDate = from aa in MyDC.LeadsAppointments
                          where aa.AppointID == a.AppointID
                          select aa.AppointSet.Date
            let resolvedDate = from aa in MyDC.LeadsAppointments
                               where aa.AppointID == a.AppointID
                               select aa.AppointResolved.Date
            from date in setDate.Concat(resolvedDate)
            where a.UserID == TheUserID
               && date.Year == TheDate.Year
               && date.Month == TheDate.Month
            group a by date into g
            orderby g.Key
            let set = g.Distinct()
            select new ViewMonthlyActivityModel
                ViewDate = g.Key,
                CountTotalSetOnDay =
                    set.Count(a => a.AppointSet.Date == g.Key),
                CountTotalAttendedOnDay =
                    set.Count(a => a.AppointResolved.Date == g.Key
                                && a.AppointStatus == statusAttended),
                CountTotalRescheduledOnDay =
                    set.Count(a => a.AppointResolved.Date == g.Key
                                && a.AppointStatus == statusRescheduled),
                CountTotalCancelledOnDay =
                    set.Count(a => a.AppointResolved.Date == g.Key
                                && a.AppointStatus == statusCancelled),


因此,对于daygroups中的每个条目,daygroups.Key == AppointResolved.Date和c.AppointSet.Date == daygroups.Key where子句将只给出约会设置为解决同一天的所有条目。



var appointmentsTaken = (from appnt in GoyaDC.LeadsAppointments
                         where ... // your filters
                         group appnt by appnt.AppointSet.Date into daysset
                         select { Date = daysset.Key Count = daysset.Count() }




上一篇: LINQ groupby statement with key

下一篇: How to save app on back button press