C# parameters date based on day of week

I want to insert a date in parameters:

  • If current day is Monday is Friday

  • If current Tuesday day is Monday

  • If current day is Wednesday choose Tuesday

  • If current day is Thursday choose the environment

  • If current day is Friday to select Thursday

  • If current Saturday day is selected on Friday

  • If current Sunday day is Friday

  • I have a method that selects date according to my condition above

    public static DateTime GetDateBackDayStart(DateTime date)
        int numweek = GetNumWeek(date.DayOfWeek.ToString());
        if (numweek == 1)
            return date.AddDays(-3).Date;
        if (numweek == 7)
            return date.AddDays(-2).Date;
            return date.AddDays(-1).Date;

    I have a command that returns date in format:

    cmd.Parameters.Add("@date1", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = (DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1).ToString("dd.MM.yyyy"));
    cmd.Parameters.Add("@date2", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = (DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1).ToString("dd.MM.yyyy"));

    How to write condition of date substitution in parameters @date1 @date2 in format "dd.MM.yyyy" using the method GetDateBackDayStart?


    string dateParam = GetDateBackDayStart(DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1)).ToString("dd.MM.yyyy");
    cmd.Parameters.Add("@date1", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = 
    cmd.Parameters.Add("@date2", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = dateParam; 
    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/54896.html

    上一篇: 反映类型时出现错误

    下一篇: C#参数的日期基于星期几