executing jar file created from maven build

I have created a jar file through mvn clean install. In pom.xml I specified the name of main class as well.


When I try to execute the jar with java -jar app.jar, it gives me error saying no main manifest attribute, in app.jar and when I specify the main class name as well with this command java -cp app.jar com.dashboard.report.MainClass, it gives my NoClassDefError for javax/mail/MessagingException.

PS: If I execute the code from eclipse, it works fine without any issue

you can use spring-boot plugin to create a fat jar with dependencies. Add this to your pom.xml

     .... other plugins.

Now when you do a mvn clean install . it will create 2 jars one with -spring-boot is what you should execute.

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/55026.html

上一篇: 如何使用新的Android Multidex支持库启用多重分化

下一篇: 执行从maven build创建的jar文件