
我在使用csvreader创建字典密钥时遇到了问题。 我想创建一个字典,其中包含找到数据的位置列,以便稍后将它写出到新的位置。 我没有包含写函数,因为我想了解如何首先创建密钥。


input_file_column_modification = ''
myData = []
primary_key_list = {}

if os.path.isfile(filename):
  input_file_column_modification = open(filename)
  myData = [item for item in csv.reader(input_file_column_modification)]

for row in myData:
  primary_key_pattern_match = re.search('d{3}-d{3}-d{4}, row[0], re.I)
  if primary_key_pattern_match is not None:
  ** QUESTION: How do I keep track of the row/columns were the data is being found?



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur(123-123-1234)adipiscing elita,100 some address,cityname,“zipcode”,03/24/2016

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipiscing elit,200 some address,cityname,zipcode,03/24/2016

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur(345-345-3456)adipiscing elit,300 some address,cityname,zipcode,03/24/2016

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipiscing elit,400 some address,cityname,zipcode,03/24/2016

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur(567-567-5678)adipiscing elit,500 some address,cityname,zipcode,03/24/2016

这样做的一种方式是通过enumerate ,它可以为循环访问索引或“迭代计数器”和迭代的值:

for row_num, row in enumerate(myData):
    primary_key_pattern_match = re.search('d{3}-d{3}-d{4}, row[0]', re.I)
    if primary_key_pattern_match is not None:
        row_num_and_row_data = (row_num, row)
        # You now have a tuple whose 1st element is the row number
        # and whose 2nd element is the row (a tuple or list).

        # You can also skip making a tuple and add the row 
        # to a dictionary immediately (declare it before the loop): 
        row_dict[row_num] = row

        # or to add the results of the regex:
        row_dict[row_num] = primary_key_pattern_match.group(0)
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/55105.html

上一篇: How do you make a dictionary key from a CSV?

下一篇: How to efficiently check neighbor elements for characteristic