How to assign class method to class attribute?

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  • Calling a function of a module by using its name (a string) 10 answers

  • Note that when you try:

    class A:
        MAP = {
            'add' : A.add(x, y),
            'subtract' : A.subtract(x, y),

    you are trying to access eg A.add before the name A exists (the class isn't bound to the name until definition completes) and before the name add exists (you haven't defined that method yet). Everything at the top level of the class definition is done in order .

    You need to put the class methods into the dictionary after the class has been defined (they don't become callable until definition is complete):

    class A:
        MAP = {}
        def add(cls, x, y):  # note colon
            return x + y
        def subtract(cls, x, y):  # also here
            return x - y
    A.MAP['add'] = A.add
    A.MAP['subtract'] = A.subtract

    Note that, as neither class method uses cls , you could make them @staticmethod s instead. Or just use functions - Python isn't Java, you don't need to put everything into a class.

    Alternatively, you can use getattr to access attributes (including class methods) by name:

    >>> class A:
            def add(cls, x, y):
                return x + y
            def subtract(cls, x, y):
                return x - y
    >>> getattr(A, 'add')(1, 2)


    #!/usr/bin/env python
    class A:
        def __init__(self):
        def add(self, x, y):
            return x + y
        def subtract(self, x, y):
            return x - y
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        a = A()
        print a.add(1,2)  # ans: 3
        print a.subtract(2,1) # ans: 1

    上一篇: 从另一个文件和另一个类调用未指定的函数

    下一篇: 如何将类方法分配给类属性?